My sister's beautiful little girl, Claire, just keeps getting cuter. If a couple days go by without seeing her I either have to a. call and listen to her babble in the background or b. make an effort for some legit face to face time. Option b. is always more fulfilling. Sidenote: reason number 626 why I am grateful I didn't move to Colorado. Tonight I talked Kara into some FREE mint cookies and creme milkshakes from steak n' shake and was talked into heading her way for them. After milkshakes it was sweet baby Claire's bedtime. And although it was painful for me to see her go to sleep I thoroughly enjoyed the bedtime process which just so happens to be twice the length of my own bedtime routine.
First step: Bath time. Claire loves it. I love the ducky on her belly and the many, many rolls.
After bath time was some extensive lotioning and the nightie.
Second step: Storytime. Sometimes Claire pays attention.
and other times she is checking out her sweet pink and white bedroom

Step Three: binky in mouth AND

Love this kid to pieces, but we can all admit she is quite the princess.