Friday, July 25, 2014

Cousin Campout

It's no secret that Aunt Katie and Uncle Tom love to camp. My sweet baby in the belly has already been on 2 camping trips and will go on his third this week. We hope to raise a little outdoors boy, but I guess we will see. My nieces and nephews are intrigued by the camping but none of my siblings are really "into that" as you might say. Tom and I decided it would be fun to take them camping. After further consideration we decided maybe just in the backyard is good for now! After Dane's adorable Superhero party I went home to prepare for the overnight. 
The kids in the superhero capes at Dane's birthday party
Superheroes on the move!
One of my favorite cousin pictures ever
Luckily Tom arrived home from his work trip just in time to help me set up the tent. We got out our biggest tent that we have only used when the kids have slept over. They sat and watched us set it up and were so excited when they could finally get inside.

All of these kids were there for a bit but only four stayed the night in the tent
First, we roasted our dinner on the campfire. The kids had so much fun roasting their own hot dog to eat. After dinner we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. It was a mess but they loved it!

After some very messy s'mores we all went over to the park to play. When it was almost dark we returned to the house for sparklers. The kids each did one and loved it!

After sparklers we watched a movie in the tent. We didn't get to finish the movie cause they were all so tired. Dane was out in no time!

Reese and Joe had to leave but Dane, Claire, Delaney and Trey were able to spend the night. Delaney and Trey were a great help with the younger kids. I woke up at 5:45 to the birds chirping and just knew the kids would be up any minute. Boy, was I wrong! They all slept until 7:30. It was great. When they woke up we finished the movie from the night before and had pancakes on the deck. It was a successful sleepover so hopefully next time we can REALLY campout!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our Baby Reveal

Tom and I couldn't be more excited to share our great news. We have been planning and anxiously awaiting this day. Yesterday, at 18 weeks we went to the doctor to see how baby Mueth is doing and determine gender. We were so excited to know if we would be having a little dude or a little lady. We we waited in the doctor's office and tried to keep ourselves busy. The ultrasound tech did a great job of showing us everything about the baby and having us close our eyes as she determined the gender. It was a great doctor's appointment with nothing but good news. After the appointment we went home to begin our evening and know the gender of our sweet baby!
me and Baby Mueth at 13 weeks
me and baby Mueth last night at 18 weeks...before knowing the gender
the best picture we got to see at the office ...that wouldn't reveal gender
 The tech gave us our secret envelope with the final two pictures. 

Excited/Nervous to know what's inside! 
 When we got home we had a friend waiting for us. She so graciously took the envelope, read the contents and gave us back all the appropriate things. We had given her red sparklers for a girl and green sparklers for a boy. She gave us an envelope with the appropriate sparklers as well as a couple bonus gifts for our new sweet baby! After receiving her help we walked up to Hot Pot to eat dinner/keep busy!

3 bags revealing our baby's gender
 Time for our reveal! Couldn't be more excited!
The first bag had the sparklers inside

Baby Mueth what will you be?
A little dude or a little lady?
We lit the sparklers and THEY WERE GREEN! I couldn't believe it! We were so so so shocked! What a fun surprise. 

Bag number 2 was sparkling wine and a boy card
Bag number 3 contained 2 sweet little dude outfits

And the video of us finding out we are having a boy due December 16!