Sometime back in December or January I started hearing that my brother in law, Darnel, might run for school board. In the past few years he has become more passionate about being involved in his church and community. He is highly involved with the Human Rights Commission that works for equal rights in Kirkwood and Kirkwood Schools. I was excited he wanted to run and certain he would be a great candidate. He ended up getting on the ballot and running an awesome campaign. We had a great time spreading the word and jumping on board whenever possible. I don't have many pictures throughout the campaign, but i do have a few of the election night. The day before the election I made chocolate chip cookies and took them to Darnel as a well wish for election day.
cookies for the candidate |
Darnel Frost election sign in our yard |
We had a group of people in the back room at Mike Duffy's to watch the election unfold. We ate and drank and the kids played and we waited. It was a while before results started to come in. However, once the results were in it was so fun to be with Darnel and the rest of his supporters as well as Marie Kelly and her campaign team.
on my way to the election watch party |
At Mike Duffy's for election |
his tiniest supporter |
the Frost Family |
This video is the reaction to finding out both Marie and Darnel had won. The last person he hugs is Marie.
Congratulations, Darnel! It was so fun to be on this journey with you.