In the midst of a lot of craziness Tom and I have still had some time to just slow down and enjoy lately. Summer has been slow to heat up so we have had a lot of fun in the yard and taking some walks here and there. They even opened a Mobil on the Run close to us, so when "6 is a serious number" we can walk up there for a drink!
Serious about our sunglasses and our 50 cent drinks |
Although Tom loved his Audi we decided it was time to let that car go. Too many maintenance issues made it a burden we didn't want to carry. After much online research Tom knew what two cars he wanted to test drive. We went up to the car dealership on Friday of Memorial Day weekend to drive cars. He loved the Chevy Malibu but we decided to keep looking.
A hug goodbye |
Tom on a test drive |
After another test drive we went back to the Chevy dealership to get Tom's new car. He has never had a brand new car before so this was quite fun for him.
Hugging the new ride |
After some car purchases and a birthday party we were off to Memorial Day camping. It was a beautiful weekend minus an evening downpour. All in all it was just nice to get away and start the summer camping season.