Yesterday was severe weather day in St. Louis. After lunch with a couple former players I picked my car up from the shop to run a few errands. The guys at the service center were gathered around the TV where the weather man was announcing tornadoes in surrounding areas. The skies in my area were bright and sunny so I went to pick up an SD card and stop by Target. I begged for my sister to meet me at Brentwood Target, but she would have none of that so I drove to her house and we went to the Hampton Target. After shopping for about twenty minutes they came over and announced that everyone needed to move to the back corner of the store because a tornado had been spotted in South County. We grabbed a ball for Claire and went on back.
Claire had a blast bouncing on her ball and trying to make friends
Everyone waiting out the storm in the lawn and garden section
When they provided a window to leave we checked out and went home. When we got there it was getting worse so we went into Kara's basement. Claire was in heaven. She had a comfy seat in her jog stroller with her chocolate milk and brownie. Kara was a bit panicked since she couldn't get a hold of her husband.

She also entertained us by playing the guitar and dancing to music.
Needless to say it was a crazy little afternoon. Quite the Target trip. Kara did make a good choice in going to Hampton though since a tornado did touch did by Brentwood and 40.
Now off to NY and Colorado where I will hopefully avoid severe weather for 10 days!