Unfortunately these photos are terribly out of order and I don't know how to fix it! I was so excited to spend a good deal of my little man and Godson's birthday with him. He was anticipating it for the whole month by constantly asking us to "Sing Happy" to him. What a sweet guy. We woke up early and went to the Zoo. He is talking so much so it was so fun to spend that time with him getting so excited about all of the animals.
After a great zoo trip and a nap we went to the Magic House for the evening. My work had the place rented out so I invited all the kiddos. Everyone was able to come except for Joe and they had a blast playing together. By the end of the evening Dane was pooped, but he undoubtedly had a wonderful day.
Claire playing Dr. at the Magic House

Trey and Delaney climbing the beanstalk

Dane in Caterpillar ...not loving it.

Delaney and Claire in the Caterpillar

One of the original Magic House exhibits...Goodnight Moon

Dane was not wanting a picture with Aunt Katie at the end of it all

Dane had a great time with his Papa at the zoo. They both loved laughing at the penguins.

The penguins would zip by and Dane and papa would point as they went.
He even liked getting splashed by them.

Riding the carousel

Petting the stingrays. His arm was too short to ever actually make contact.

Petting the goats

The hippo.
My dad really wanted me to sit in the hippo for a picture, but I was having none of that.

He even got to play in the sprinklers.

But was so confused when they turned off.
He would watch and then run to them as they sprung back up..of course giggling.

He could not get enough of this jeep. He kept saying "Jeep Mommy, Jeep"

My dad did talk me into a picture of the frogs.

The TWO year old

Making a wish in the fountain

He LOVED riding on the train with his Papa

Back to a few Magic House pics:
Claire setting the table for tea

Fearless, walking the balance beam

Claire pumps the gas

Dane really needed those crescent rolls, so he climbed up into the fridge.


playing cashier

Trey playing Doc

All in all an incredible day! I know Dane loved it. I am so glad I was able to spend so much of his second birthday with him and some of my other favorite people!