Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sometimes I miss it!

By sometimes I mean almost every single day. I love my job. I love the girls I coach. I love the trips. But I miss KHS Lacrosse. A cute little gingerhead once told me that KHS is to high schools as Texas is the to US. Apparently they just think they are better than everyone. I think it just might be true... and for good reason. So, this is a tribute to a group of girls I miss a whole lot. Varsity 2008 was a great, great thing. 
2008 Seniors- now college freshman
Once I told a couple players that if they were going to be late they better bring cookies....
My assistant, Becks, and Me
Love and miss ya'll


Unknown said...

ahhh i love it!! and miss it soo much!!

Sarah said...

aww katie i love those!! we miss you!!