Saturday, December 20, 2008

"I met a guy in Paris and we are getting married!"

Every time I think about my brother getting married I think of this scene from Father of the Bride when Steve Martin is picturing his grown daughter as a little girl announcing her engagement. T.J. may be 18 months older than me, but it is still hard to picture him as a grown up. I am sure it is even harder for him to picture me as anything but his kid sister. Anyway, he is grown, and not only that, but he found a lovely girl who wants to grow old with him. I am proud of him. And everyone I see who knows T.J. I tell them, "He's getting married in May" regardless of whether they ask about him or not. Just last night I saw our elementary school counselor and let her know :) 

I thought everyone in the blog world should know... and take a look at their darling engagement photos. My brother who beat me up, once threw a football at my face at a one foot range, used to dress me in hockey goalie gear and shoot pucks at me, woke me up in the middle of the night to make him grilled cheeses because, "You make them the best, Kate", almost came down to college to kill me when I took too much leftover frost on the pumpkin pie, chased me down the street, pulled my hair, locked me out, stole all my lemonade stand money, and usually used me as a scapegoat... he's getting married, and I even though I remember all the crazy things he's done I must have dropped the grudge, because I think he is going to make a great husband. Ashley Smith, you are a lucky girl! 


Amy said...

Need a user name & password!

And, I don't think I knew it was May!!

Heather Verweyst said...

you left a few TJ memories out but we will leave those alone!! ; ) Yikes, TJ is getting married! Very sweet post katie!