Friday, December 5, 2008

It's been a heck of a week!

Last weekend was incredible. I hung out my favorite people for the entire break. Most of it was spent with my sisters, mom, and friends from high school. (don't worry other favs... I did miss you). However, Sunday morning I woke up with a bad headache. Apparently this girl has an aversion to wine that I am not willing to admit. 1 glass or 5, I always wake up with a headache. I drudgingly got out of bed telling myself the whole time that I would not and could not miss church for a wine headache. But after church life did not get better, so I got a Redbox movie and headed home. The dreary Sunday was spent on the couch watching movies and tivoed shows. I don't watch very much tv except for my weekly Gossip Girl, Biggest Loser, and Extreme Home Makeover, but on this particular day I felt awful. Sweet Abby came over in the evening with Starbucks and stayed until dinner when she prepared me soup and grilled cheese. So, I went to bed Sunday night after 12 hours on the couch. Monday I woke up and drug myself to work. I was okay, but CRASHED again Monday night. Huge fever, headache, earache, and I felt like I was swallowing knives. This time Susie stopped by with Starbucks... and made me food! (see a theme?) It sort of revived me and I went to sleep after Gossip Girl. Tuesday and Wednesday continued much the same with me denying that I was feeling terrible. But by Wednesday night there was no denying it. After my date (see previous post) I looked into the mirror to find white pockets in the back of my throat... hmm... guess that's why I had all the symptoms for strep. So, yesterday I went to the doc and got the medicine. I am now in a love affair with amoxicillin because I feel GREAT this morning. Sorry for all the dets. This girl never gets REAL sick, so I was pretty sure I was dying. I sure did shine a light in my mouth and take this picture...haha... it may be kinda hard to see the white gunk in the back. There was definitely more than what is pictured.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Katie, the picture, um...